Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 things of the best in Thailand

10 things of the best in Thailand.

1.Thailand is the center of world kitchen,although they are not lack food.They are enough food all time and export it over the world.

2.There are very much in natural resources, forests, mountains, seas ,and gold  that  is known Suvarnabhumi.

3. There is not in the earthquake zone directly While most of the world is in a major earthquake zone

4. Thailand is situated in a severe storm. It's difficult to found it and this was mainly due to a typhoon in the South China Sea,Philippines ,Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, hard to attack and weakenStorm became common when entering the country.

5. Thailand has never been colonized by the West while all countries in ASEAN colony of West.

6. Thailand is not a loser in of World War 1 and 2.

7.Thailand has never been a communist regime change.
While Laos became a Communist. Toppled the monarchy Religion is not a sponsor.
Cambodia became the Khmer Rouge Genocide of the same people And religion is destroyed

8.People of all ethnic, religious and civil liberties in the country with the greatest country in the world.

9.Thailand has a Majesty the King who worked hardThe population of Thailand During his reignHe has a project in the works for more than 3,000 projects Chitralada the foundation such as Foundation RajprachanukrohPradabot Foundation, etc.

The device Tamts religion in Thailand culture ceremonial royal technical education, medicine, transportation, water and soil conservationNew Theory of mangrove forest resourcesPhilosophy, etc.

10.Buddhist civilization in the world in Thailand because Thailand is the King's primacy and upholder of all religions is a Buddhist.

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